On Success

“When you do not know what to do, relax and tell yourself that other portions of yourself do know; they will take over. Give yourself some rest. Remind yourself that in many ways you are a very successful person as you are. Success does not necessarily involve great intellect or great position or great wealth; it has to do with inner integrity. Remember that.”

Seth Speaks
January 12, 1971

On natural and artificial guilt

“If you find that you are berating yourself because of something you did yesterday, or ten years ago, you are not being virtuous. You are most likely involved with artificial guilt. Even if a violation occurred, natural guilt does not involve penance. It is meant as a precautionary measure, a reminder before an event.”

The Nature of Personal Reality
Session 636
Page 152

On fear

“Fears, sometimes even seemingly irrational ones, can serve to rouse the body if you have been too lethargic, or have been in a rut psychologically or physically. If you trusted your nature you would be able to trust such feelings, and following their own rhythms and routes they would change into others.”

The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events
Session 821

On creations and manifestations

“Do not personally give any more conscious consideration, either of you, to events that you do not want to happen. Any such concentration, to whatever degree, ties you in with those probabilities, so concentrate upon what you want, and as far as public events are concerned, take it for granted that sometimes even men are wiser than they know.”

Dreams, Evolution and Value Fulfillment
Volume 1
Session 891
Page 184

On resolutions

(Taken from a post in the “Fans of the Seth Material” Facebook group)

Seth’s suggested new year resolutions:

“One: I will approve of myself, my characteristics, my abilities, my likes and my dislikes, my inclinations and disinclinations, realizing that these form my unique individuality. They are given me for a reason.

Two: I will approve of and rejoice in my accomplishments, and I will be as vigorous in listing these, as rigorous in remembering them as I have ever been in remembering and enumerating my failures or lacks of accomplishment.

Three: I will remember the creative framework of existence, in which I have my being. Therefore the possibilities, potentials, seeming miracles, and joyful spontaneity of Framework 2 will be in my mind, so that the doors to creative living are open.

Four: I will realize that the future is a probability. In terms of ordinary experience, nothing exists there yet. It is virgin territory, planted by my feelings and thoughts in the present…Therefore, I will plant accomplishments and successes, and I will do this by remembering that nothing can exist in the future that I do not want to be there.”

Dreams, Evolution & Value Fulfillment
Volume 1
Session 891

On life

“Life is a gift (and not a curse). I am a unique, worthy creature in the natural world, which everywhere surrounds me, gives me sustenance, and reminds me of the greater source from which I myself and the world both emerge. My body is delightfully suited to its environment, and comes to me, again, from the unknown source which shows itself through all of the events of the physical world.’

That feeling gives the organism the optimism, the joy, and the ever abundant energy to grow. It encourages curiosity and creativity, and places the individual in a spiritual world and a natural one at once.”

The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events
Session 814

On objects, symbols and dreams

“One is that because objects just originate in man’s imagination anyway, there’s always a strong connection between objects and man’s dreams. They act as symbols of inner reality, so it’s only natural that whether he’s aware of it or not, man perceives objects in such a fashion that they also stand for symbols that first originate in his dreams.”

The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events
Session 844
April 1,1979

On dying and death

“People die when they are ready to die, for reasons that are their own. No person dies without a reason. You are not taught that, however, so people do not recognize their own reasons for dying, and they are not taught to recognize their own reasons for living — because you are told that life itself is an accident in a cosmic game of chance.”

The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events
Session 835,
February 7,1979

On love / loving yourself

“”Love your neighbor as yourself.” Turn this around and say, “Love yourself as you love your neighbor,” for often you will recognize the goodness in another and ignore it in yourself. Some people believe there is a great merit and holy virtue in what they think of as humility. Therefore to be proud of oneself seems a sin, and in that frame of reference true affirmation of the self is impossible. Genuine self pride is the loving recognition of your own integrity and value. True humility is based upon this affectionate regard for yourself, plus the recognition that you live in a universe in which all other beings also possess this undeniable individuality and self worth.

False humility tells you that you are nothing. It often hides a distorted, puffed up, denied self pride, because no man or woman can really accept a theory that denies personal self worth.”

The Nature of Personal Reality
Session 673

On the psyche and physical reality

“Nothing exists outside the psyche, however, that does not exist within it, and there is no unknown world that does not have its psychological or psychic counterpart. Man learned to fly as he tried to exteriorize inner experience, for in out of body states in dreams he had long been familiar with flight. All excursions into outer reality come as the psyche attempts to reproduce in any given “exterior” world the inner freedom of its being.”

The Unknown Reality
Volume 2
Session 713

On perception

“Thinking about this this morning; when focused on any particular goal, it’s imperative that, psychologically, we give it equal prominence with any PERCEIVED obstacles. Otherwise, it’s as if we see the apple on the tree, but first build a barrier around the tree, that we must then deconstruct to reach our desire. Our desire must be equally as probable as any objections we hold surrounding it.”

The Seth Material
Chapter 13

On stress and the present moment

“What the body cannot stand today is the stress thrown upon it by the imagined stress or problems that it might be asked to face tomorrow, or next week, or 20 years from now. Then, you are not allowing it to act in the present. You are seeking from future probabilities unpleasant – or perhaps the most unpleasant – circumstances, and actually demanding that the body handle the stimuli now.

Again, significances are important. If one unpleasant event today automatically causes you to think of 20 more that might happen in the future and you dwell upon those, then you hopelessly confuse your body. It finds in the present no justification in fact for such interpretations, while your thoughts act as if those situations were presently before you, to be confronted. Stress results when the body does not know how to react, and therefore cannot react smoothly.”

The Personal Sessions
Book 5
Session 850 (Deleted Portion)

On the point of power and the present moment

“Each aspiration presupposes the admission of a lack, each challenge presupposes a barrier to be overcome. The more adventurous will often choose greater challenges, and so in their minds the contrasts between what they want to achieve and their present status can SEEM to be impossible.

In each case, however, the point of power is the present, and from that moment you choose which you, and which world. The experience of a country is the cumulative result of the choice of each individual in it, so as you choose your own circumstances you affect each other person within your country and your world.”

The Nature of Personal Reality
Session 656

On attitudes and perceptions

“If you examine your thoughts for five minutes at various times during the day for several times a month, you will indeed receive a correct impression of the kind of life you have arranged for yourself in the next existence, If you are not pleased with what you discover, then you had better begin changing the nature of your thoughts and feelings.”

Seth Speaks
Session 550

On creation

“Each mental act opens up a new dimension of actuality. In a manner of speaking, your slightest thought gives birth to worlds.

“This is not a dry metaphysical statement. It should arouse within you the strongest feelings of creativity and speculation. It is impossible for any being to be sterile, for any idea to die, or any ability to go unfulfilled.”

Seth Speaks
Session 565

On perception and camouflage pattern

“The brain is a camouflage pattern. It takes up space. It exists in time. The mind takes up no space, it does not have its basic existence in time. The reality of the inner universe does not take up space, nor does it have its basic existence in time. Your camouflage universe, on the other hand, takes up space and has an existence in time, but it is not the real and basic universe, any more than the brain is the mind.”

Early Sessions
Book 2
Page 13

(Exercises and practices) Feeling-tones

“To understand yourself and what you are, you can learn to experience yourself directly apart from your beliefs about yourself. What I would like each reader to do is to sit quietly. Close your eyes. Try to sense within yourself the deep feeling-tones that I mentioned earlier*. This is not difficult to do.

Your knowledge of their existence will help you recognize their deep rhythms within you. Each individual will sense these tones in his or her own way, so do not worry about how they should feel. Simply tell yourself that they exist, that they are composed of the great energies of your being made flesh.

Then let yourself experience. If you are used to terms like meditation, try to forget the term during this procedure. Do not use any name. Free yourself from concepts, and experience the being of yourself and the motion of your own vitality. Do not question, “Is this right? Am I doing it correctly? Am I feeling what I should feel?” This is the book’s first exercise for you. You are not to use other people’s criteria. There are no standards but your own feelings.

No particular time limit is recommended. This should be an enjoyable experience. Accept whatever happens as uniquely your own. The exercise will put you in touch with yourself. It will return you to yourself. Whenever you are nervous or upset, take a few moments to sense this feeling-tone within you, and you will find yourself centered in your own being, secure.”

The Nature of Personal Reality
Session 614
September 13, 1972

*(“…They are instead tones of your being. They represent the most inner portion of your experience. This does not mean that they are hidden from you, or are meant to be. It simply means that they represent the core from which you form your experience … They are the form your spirit takes when combined with flesh. From them, from their core, your flesh arises.)

On the self

“When people are convinced that the self is untrustworthy, for whatever reasons, or that the universe is not safe, then instead of luxuriating in the use of their abilities, exploring the physical and mental environments, they begin to pull in their realities to contract their abilities, to overcontrol their environments. They become frightened people and frightened people do not want freedom, mental or physical. They want shelter, a definite set of rules. They want to be told what is good and bad. They lean toward compulsive behavior patterns. They seek out leaders – political, scientific or religious – who will order their lives for them.”

The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events
Session 834
Page 168

On perception and the senses

“The eye projects and focuses the inner image (idea) onto the physical world in the same manner that a motion picture camera transfers an image onto a screen. The mouth creates words. The ears create sound. The difficulty in understanding this principle is due to the fact that we’ve taken it for granted that the image and sound already exist for the senses to interpret. Actually the senses are the channels of creation by which idea is projected into material expression.”

“The basic idea is that the senses are developed, not to permit awareness of an already existing material world, but to create it…”

The Seth Material
Chapter 1

On asking for help

“…you must be willing to be kindly to yourself. You must believe that when you send out pleas, they are indeed answered, no matter how impersonal the universe may seem at times.

“You must realize that your personal self grows as naturally out of that universe as, in other terms, any star does, or any flower, or any oak leaf. You are a part of that system. AND WHEN YOU SEND OUT A PLEA, YOU DO INDEED SET THE UNIVERSE IN MOTION, SO THAT THE PLEA IS ANSWERED! And so do you also send help to others, often even when you are not aware of it, as a flower sends out help to someone simply because it is beautiful…”

Conversations with Seth
Book 2, Chapter 8
Page 168
by Susan M. Watkins (25th Anniversary Edition)

On existence

“There is no need to justify your existence. You do not need to write or preach to justify your existence. Being is its own justification. You do not have to knock your gut out, in other words, and this also applies to our friend Ruburt. Consciousness is its own justification, and this goes for each of you. Only when you realize this, can you begin to utilize your freedom. Otherwise you try too hard.

You have been much given to thoughts of death this evening. Now, I have been a very lively corpse many times, but then, so have you all. And the inner portions of yourselves know this well. You have walked away from more graves than you can remember and will, indeed, many of you, walk away from more. Why then do you worry about justifying your own existence in this hour?

If you become too determined to justify your existence then you will begin to close out areas of your life.

(To Sue) Only those areas that mean – only those areas that mean to you safe justification have meaning and the others will begin to disappear. If you write, therefore, to justify your existence then in time other aspects of reality will lose their meaning for you. You do not have to justify in any terms.

Now, if you would each, for ten minutes a day, open yourselves to your own reality there would be no question of self-justification for you would realize the miraculous nature of your own identity. I have said this before in class, you are as dead now, and as alive now, as you will ever be. In life you can be as dead as you think any corpse is, by contrast far deader.

You form the reality that you know, not esoterically, not symbolically, not philosophically; some great oversoul does not form it for you, you cannot put the burden there either. And though I stare at our friend here, who asked the question, this applies to each of you and to our friend, Ruburt. You form your reality and until you understand this completely you cannot change it, nor can you use your freedoms.”

Early Class
Session 3
February 9, 1971
Page 57

On stages of consciousness and problem solving

“Now: these stages of consciousness are all a part of your own reality. A knowledge of them can be most useful. You can learn to “shift gears,” stand aside from your own experience, and examine it with much better perspective. You can prepare questions or problems, suggesting that they be solved for you in the sleep state. You can suggest that you will speak with distant friends, or convey important messages that you cannot convey verbally, perhaps. You can bring about reconciliations, for example, at another layer of reality though you cannot do so in this one.”

Seth Speaks
Session 570

On perception

“Your experience in the world of physical matter flows outward from the center of your inner psyche. Then you perceive this experience. Exterior events, circumstances and conditions are meant as a kind of living feedback. Altering the state of the psyche automatically alters the physical circumstances.

“There is no other valid way of changing physical events. It might help if you imagine an inner living dimension within yourself in which you create, in miniature psychic form, all the exterior conditions that you know. Simply put, you do exactly this. Your thoughts, feelings and mental pictures can be called incipient exterior events, for in one way or another each of these is materialized into physical reality.”

The Nature of Personal Reality
Session 613
September 11, 1972

On attitudes and perception

“You create many of your own difficulties, if not all of them. This is true for all individuals. The inner psychological state is projected outward, gaining physical reality. This holds true regardless of the nature of that inner psychological state. The way that this is done has been discussed often and is on record in the material. I suggest you read it. The rules apply to everyone. You can use this for your own benefit and change your conditions, once you realize what the rules are.

You cannot escape your own attitudes, for they will form the nature of what you see. Quite literally, you see what you want to see, and you see your own thoughts, your own emotional attitudes, materialized in physical form. If changes are to occur, they must be physical and psychic changes. These will be reflected in your physical environment. Negative, distrustful, fearful, or degrading attitudes toward anyone work against the self and against the individuals involved. Now if you would change an individual, change your thoughts toward him, and changes will appear in the sense data world.

Now: you must understand, for one thing, that telepathy operates constantly at a subconscious level. If you continually expect any individual to behave in a particular manner, then you are constantly sending him telepathic suggestions that he will do so. Every individual reacts to suggestion. According then to the specific conditions existing at the time, such an individual will to some extent or another act according the mass suggestions he has received.

These mass suggestions include not only those given to him by others, both verbally and telepathically, but also those suggestions that he has given to himself while in the waking or dream states.

If individual A is in a period of despondency, then this is because he has already become prey to negative suggestions of his own and others. If now you see him and think that he looks miserable or that he is an incurable drunk – then indeed these suggestions are picked up by him subconsciously though you have not spoken a word, and in his already weakened condition, they will be accepted and acted upon.

If, on the other hand, thinking of him under the same conditions, you stop yourself and say gently to yourself: he will begin to feel better now-or his drinking is temporary-and there is indeed hope here, then you have given him aid, for the suggestions will at least represent some small telepathic ammunition to fight off the war of despondency.”

The Early Sessions, Book 8
Session 340

May 10, 1967